Tips For Relieving Sinus Infection Tooth Pain
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Tips For Relieving Sinus Infection Tooth Pain

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If you're one of the 10% of adults who suffer from sinus infections, according to the Royal College of Surgeons, you know how painful they can be. The addition of sinus infection tooth pain caused by pressure in your nasal cavity can be all the more distressing if you're unaware of this side effect.

It's important to determine whether a sinus infection is the cause of your toothache, though. Reach out to your doctor if you have a cold turned sinus infection, or contact your dentist if the pain originated in your teeth.

The National Health Service (NHS) defines sinusitis as the swelling of the sinuses, and commonly an acute sinus infection is experienced after a cold or flu. This begins in your maxillary sinuses, located just above your molar teeth roots, and can swell with the build-up of bacterial or viral mucus. The pressure it puts on dental nerve endings can cause a painful sensation on one or more of your teeth.

If you have a sinus infection, the best way to get rid of your tooth pain is to target the backlog of mucus. Try these five tips for relieving sinus infection tooth pain:

1. Drink Fluids and Use Steam

Water helps to thin the mucus which can be useful, according to Harley Street Nose Clinic. So, have fluids on hand to stay hydrated.

If you've become dehydrated, according to the European Hydration Institute, this may be due to an imbalance in water and electrolyte intake. You may therefore want to add coconut water to your diet, which contains electrolytes like magnesium, potassium and sodium. Likewise, magnesium supports your immune system, which helps to fight both bacterial and viral sinus infections.

Add a steamy shower or a peppermint steam solution to your daily care, as well. Peppermint and steam both help cut congestion and pain (all the more reason to drink tea when it's cold).

2. Eat Spicy Foods

Even if you have a sensitive palate, don't be afraid to stock up on foods that have a kick, such as horseradish or chilli peppers. The ingredients in both of these have mucus-thinning properties and can give you an instant sense of relief. But not all spicy foods work equally; check with your doctor first to be sure you're not causing more harm than good.

3. Use an Expectorant

The key to relieving sinus infection tooth pain is to drain the mucus, decreasing the pressure in your sinuses. Over-the-counter (OTC) decongestants and expectorants can provide fast relief, but in different ways. As summarised by The Independent, expectorants affect mucus production and clearance to help bring up phlegm, while decongestants constrict blood vessels to allow more air through the nose. Look for a nasal expectorant, but take some time to read the instructions on how to flush the area and how many times per day you should do so. If symptoms persist past the prescribed usage, however, you should always consult your doctor.

4. Hum Yourself to Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important means of increasing your body's general resistances. During sleep, your body produces pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are major players in the interaction between the immune system and the central nervous system, according to an article in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. But when you have a painful sinus toothache, it's hard to relax enough to rest.

Surprisingly, humming has been linked to a decrease in sinus pain. Air flow in the area acts similarly to water in helping to clear and drain mucus build-up, as observed by a study by Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet.

If you've taken an expectorant but still find yourself up at night, try humming at different tones. Humming naturally vibrates your facial "mask," and you can softly hum the tone that best engages the inflamed area. Infants are calmed and lulled to sleep by similar rocking, and this can also help you relax enough to get much-needed rest.

5. Position Your Head for the Best Drainage

When resting, keep your head in a propped, tilted position. Lying horizontally can cause blockage and continued pressure, but sleeping with some of your upper body propped up is a better way to drain the pain.

It's especially hard to take good oral care with tooth pain. Gently brush the area with a product designed for sensitive teeth to provide relief at the source of your discomfort. And try these tips along the way, while seeking out your doctor or dentist in conjunction with consistent home care.


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This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.