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Snoring: Talk to Your Dentist to Get Help

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Do you snore? To get help, many people talk to their primary care physician. But did you know that you can also talk to your dentist?

Why Do I Snore?

Snoring occurs when there is an obstruction in your airway during sleep. This obstruction can be caused by the tongue or soft tissues in the mouth. When tissues in the top of the airway hit each other, the vibration that results creates a loud noise.

The loud noise may occur with short pauses in between. This could be an indicator of sleep apnea. When a patient has obstructive sleep apnea, breathing actually stops for brief moments, and this process can result in damaging effects on the body, such as atherosclerosis and other serious cardiovascular problems. Sleep apnea and the tendency to snore at night can also be the cause of daytime sleepiness and daily fatigue.

How Can My Dentist Help Me?

If you or your spouse notice a consistent problem at night, mention it to your dentist. Be prepared to explain the pattern of noise that you notice and also episodes of daytime sleep or fatigue.

There are several tests that your dental professional can arrange to keep you safe at night. One of these tests is called a polysomnogram, or sleep study. During the evaluation, experts analyze your sleeping patterns and your vital signs are monitored over the course of a night.

Other recommendations may include:

  • Lose weight. Too much weight can cause changes to the structures around your airway.
  • Consume little or no alcohol at night. Alcohol can change the quality of your sleep.
  • Reduce or eliminate the use of sedatives. Talk to your doctor about alternatives.
  • Don't sleep on your back. Try side sleeping with a supportive pillow.

With the support of your dental professional, you should be able to get to the root of your snoring issue and sleep more soundly at night.


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This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.